On this page, you’ll find stories about how working with Josh, personally and through his programs, has helped thousands of people to exponentially grow their businesses using Asymmetrical Marketing, so they can provide a better life for themselves and their families.

After using these secrets to grow seven 7-figure companies, Josh is proud to pass on this knowledge to help business owners around the world.


On this page, you’ll find stories about how working with Josh, personally and through his programs, has helped thousands of people to exponentially grow their businesses using Asymmetrical Marketing, so they can provide a better life for themselves and their families.

After using these secrets to grow seven 7-figure companies, Josh is proud to pass on this knowledge to help business owners around the world.

WarPlan Insiders Testimonials

"What I love about Josh Latimer, he’s been in the trenches, he knows what it takes to get a result, he invests in his own education more than anyone I know. Probably the smartest person I know, not only that, he’s humble and he genuinely loves the person that he’s serving."

David Elam

"What I got out of working with Josh and the WarPlan Insiders program has really been insight into understanding the mysteries of marketing and that curtain being pulled away. If I were to implement the money missions over the next 3 years, it would mean hundreds of thousands of dollars for my business."

Anne Capozzi

"I’ve really enjoyed myself with Josh, taking his class. It’s been an incredible experience. If I was to be refunded all the money for the cost of having to lose the abilities and information [I learned in this program], it’s a no brainer. I would tell him it’s been well worth it. 10X."

Ron Lepic

"Warplan Insiders has been a motivational boost. I’ve been learning a lot. If you implement what Josh and the WPI will teach you, the growth is unlimited honestly."

Ryan Eubanks

"If Josh gave me $100k, but I couldn’t implement anything that I learned in this program, it would not be worth it to me because I know the skills and everything I learned in this program will generate my business much more than that."

Christa Nichols

"My time with Josh at WPI has been absolutely amazing. My favorite part was the money missions and collaborating with Josh in open office hours."

Karin Kautz

"My experience with Josh in WarPlan Insiders was really phenomenal. He under promised and over delivered. Within the first 3 weeks of being in the program I was able to secure a $50,000 project based on one part of one mission."

Bill Wilson

"My time with Josh has been unexpectedly amazing. He definitely over delivered and you can tell he poured his heart and soul into it. The stuff learned in WPI is definitely not something that is taught in schools or easy to find on YouTube."

Kaden Hoover

"What I saw in this transformation was [my wife] going from somebody who had a lot of self doubt and discouragement to someone who was filled with hope and somebody who looked forward to getting back into this again."

Jason Adams


WarPlan Insiders Testimonials

"What I love about Josh Latimer, he’s been in the trenches, he knows what it takes to get a result, he invests in his own education more than anyone I know. Probably the smartest person I know, not only that, he’s humble and he genuinely loves the person that he’s serving."

David Elam

"What I got out of working with Josh and the WarPlan Insiders program has really been insight into understanding the mysteries of marketing and that curtain being pulled away. If I were to implement the money missions over the next 3 years, it would mean hundreds of thousands of dollars for my business."

Anne Capozzi

"I’ve really enjoyed myself with Josh, taking his class. It’s been an incredible experience. If I was to be refunded all the money for the cost of having to lose the abilities and information [I learned in this program], it’s a no brainer. I would tell him it’s been well worth it. 10X."

Ron Lepic

"Warplan Insiders has been a motivational boost. I’ve been learning a lot. If you implement what Josh and the WPI will teach you, the growth is unlimited honestly."

Ryan Eubanks

"If Josh gave me $100k, but I couldn’t implement anything that I learned in this program, it would not be worth it to me because I know the skills and everything I learned in this program will generate my business much more than that."

Christa Nichols

"My time with Josh at WPI has been absolutely amazing. My favorite part was the money missions and collaborating with Josh in open office hours."

Karin Kautz

"My experience with Josh in WarPlan Insiders was really phenomenal. He under promised and over delivered. Within the first 3 weeks of being in the program I was able to secure a $50,000 project based on one part of one mission."

Bill Wilson

"My time with Josh has been unexpectedly amazing. He definitely over delivered and you can tell he poured his heart and soul into it. The stuff learned in WPI is definitely not something that is taught in schools or easy to find on YouTube."

Kaden Hoover

"What I saw in this transformation was [my wife] going from somebody who had a lot of self doubt and discouragement to someone who was filled with hope and somebody who looked forward to getting back into this again."

Jason Adams



"Josh and Ashlee truly care about helping us grow our business so that we can do that kingdom work that we're called to do.

What they have created with WarPlan Studios and WarPlan Ai is a series of tools and a tremendous phenomenal staff that stand behind and support all of those different vehicles to help you as a business owner. It's exciting to play in their ecosystem."

Drew Cope

"It's worth the expense to be able to separate yourself from the day to day activities, and get around like minded people and to break down, obstacles and overcome them.

It's awesome if you implement. Just the exercise yesterday was worth more than twenty five thousand dollars."

Jason Thomley

"You can't afford not to. Time is money, and you can learn so much here in such a short amount of time. This is phenomenal, and it's just the beginning. And you would be missing out on a great opportunity to free up your time and grow with like minded substantially intelligent people.

It's a no brainer for me. I mean, I would leverage anything to to be here."


"Anyone that's even remotely on the fence go all in. For us, since we've joined War Plan, our business has increased tenfold.

We'd actually give Josh another twenty five thousand to come to this event."

Brandie and Kevin

"For WarPlan Ai, I love the ability to use the AI to create fun photos (for) the ads that we do. And then just knowing the numbers and having them all in one place is good. Before I had it in different Excel spreadsheets, so it's nice to have it in one place."

Kate Jenks

"WarPlan Ai is a software program that really helps you automate and manage your business.

It's got all kinds of different features that are always rolling out.

You can manage your employees. You can track your competitors...."


"I like the missions that are on the on the software as well as being able to implement those in the marketing levers."

Robin Stevenson

Truly thankful for this. The money missions that I've gotten into and the Zoom calls that he does, they're all priceless.

Jen Rodgers

"Knowledge is key, and so that's my favorite thing about it. And getting to network and see how other people are doing things like that."

Pastor Lesly


It’s not cheap to be in these rooms but what Josh did to put together this Collective and have these high level people in the same room is amazing. I couldn’t believe we got to learn from these people who, some of them charge like $40k for one hour for their time

It completely blew my mind.

Working with Josh has been so transformational... life changing

Ryan Lee

The collective has been one of the biggest and best investments I’ve ever made in my life. I’ve paid Josh for just about every program that he’s offered, and this one by far has overdelivered.

And it’s not just Josh, it’s the people that Josh pulls together inside of this network that he pours into just massive amounts of wisdom and experience. This experience has been second to none

Chase Lord

I can’t believe we gained so much progress in such a small amount of time. If somebody’s on the fence thinking about whether or not they should do it, I totally recommend you do it.

It’s absolutely worth the money and the biggest thing for me was the amount of time collapsed

You should join the WarPlan Collective

Steve Ram

What Josh has put together here is one of the most tight knit, loving, there for you supportive networks. That’s worth whatever he asks for price in this thing. If you are even remotely on the fence about it, get here... and I promise you will not be disappointed

Colin DeHann

Mind blowing. I’ve had the privilege of training with so many incredible experts and mentors over the years, and Josh Latimer has gotta be one of the best ever

Debbie Sardone

Absolutely epic. Josh brought the heat. I learned a ton, but the really big takeaway for me is a lot of the beliefs, being around other people doing massive things. It’s just cool to be a part of that community. Highly recommend for anyone looking to level up

Neel Parekh

Anything Josh and Ashlee do is always amazing. The highest quality of training. I highly recommend WarPlan Collective

Christa Nichols

Once again, Josh has overdelivered. It’s been a game changer

Scott McCuthchon

The value that he and Ashlee bring is incredible. I consider him one of my most influential mentors

Jeff Later

Activation Engine Testimonials

"Activation Engine was huge for me. I signed up 3 people for coaching the second day. Right now I have 9 people signed up, my recurring monthly is $7,000/mo. I've seen how easy it's been to sign people up and how good it's felt to be helping them. As you use WarPlan to grow your company, it gives you social proof for people to hire you for coaching."

Ryan Johnson

"I've owned a business for 15 years but no experience coaching whatsoever. Within the first 30 days I made about $30,000. It's going to take you to another level, not only in your personal life, but in your professional life. You'll get practical tools, ongoing support and it's gonna change your life."

Emma Arzate

"Josh and his team put into practice exactly what they are teaching you to do. They don't just tell you how to run a coaching practice, they show you step by step. It's unbelievable. Way more value than $10,000. If you're sitting on the fence and not sure if Activation Engine is right for you, just jump in and go. Take the action right now."

Andrew Monnier

"Activation Engine is amazing. It's not easy, but it makes life easier. We did $36,000 in the first week with the first money mission. If you're sitting on the fence about this, sit down and think about what can go right before you think about what can go wrong. If you join and do something, it is going to go right."

Tim Sullivan

"It's unique because the WarPlan team takes a personal interest in each of us. I've implemented the money missions and we've seen exponential growth in revenue and profits. The first money mission we implemented was worth $30,000 to our business. It's invaluable. If you're on the fence... get off the fence!"

Ryan Smith

"What makes Activation Engine so unique is you're in the trenches doing this stuff with other like-minded, high level professionals to get you to the next step. I was so pumped after going through Activation Engine. People need you. You don't have to be a guru, just 2 steps ahead. Join Activation Engine. You can do it!"

Emilio Esparza

Recession Marketing Testimonials

"The things that we’ve learned in this class, nobody is doing. I promise you. Especially in the service industry. I made $175K since we started, implementing these marketing techniques."

Scott McCutcheon

"When we finish this year we will have passed the million dollars in revenue, and that’s literally because of the strategies… that Josh teaches through Recession Marketing."

Travis Best

"I trust Josh so much I knew it would be to my benefit to be in here. I know it will generate millions over the next 3-5 years."

Christa Nichols

"This is by far the best investment I have made for my company in years. It’s gonna help us achieve $3-5M+ quickly. The program is that phenomenal."

George Childers

"What’s made Recession Marketing special to me is the teacher. Josh is awesome. You couldn’t ask for a better course, better leader or teacher than Josh Latimer. I’m very happy that we’ve done it."

Jim Andrews

"That’s what this program does… It helps you get those results faster. It cuts your time in half. This information will help me make millions."

Chris Martinez

"This is by far the best investment I have made for my company in years. It’s gonna help us achieve $3-5M+ quickly. The program is that phenomenal."

George Childers

"If I applied everything, I could easily add a couple hundred thousand to our business. I would not exchange $10k for the info I was able to get out of Recession Marketing."

Edwina Adams

"Recession Marketing has everything you need. Josh has overdelivered, like he does, with this program. The value isn’t even a question. Take the step of faith, invest in the program, and you’ll be glad you did."

Garr Russell

"This Recession Marketing package helps you level up. Within the first couple sessions, my brain was spinning. It’s a great investment. Do yourself a favor and buy you. You will not regret it. I guarantee it."

Michael Hinkamper

"Josh is the one of the best marketing minds I have ever met. He is an artist when it comes to making money. I love watching him work and I love it more when he works on my stuff, haha. His teachings are simple and implementable but somehow are also profound."

Brandon Vaugn

"He’s not just one of those theoretical guys. One of the things I love about Josh is that he’s eloquent but he’s not just talking from a place of theory, he is speaking from experience, from the heart and he is very passionate. Josh knows a lot about life, not just business, he comes from a place of wisdom and understanding."

Curt Kempton

"Joshua Latimer has changed my entire perspective on my business. Every single thing he says is exactly what I need to hear at exactly the right time. Josh is absolutely phenomenal."

Keith Kalfas

Recession Marketing Testimonials

"The things that we’ve learned in this class, nobody is doing. I promise you. Especially in the service industry. I made $175K since we started, implementing these marketing techniques."

Scott McCutcheon

"When we finish this year we will have passed the million dollars in revenue, and that’s literally because of the strategies… that Josh teaches through Recession Marketing."

Travis Best

"I trust Josh so much I knew it would be to my benefit to be in here. I know it will generate millions over the next 3-5 years."

Christa Nichols

"This is by far the best investment I have made for my company in years. It’s gonna help us achieve $3-5M+ quickly. The program is that phenomenal."

George Childers

"What’s made Recession Marketing special to me is the teacher. Josh is awesome. You couldn’t ask for a better course, better leader or teacher than Josh Latimer. I’m very happy that we’ve done it."

Jim Andrews

"That’s what this program does… It helps you get those results faster. It cuts your time in half. This information will help me make millions."

Chris Martinez

"This is by far the best investment I have made for my company in years. It’s gonna help us achieve $3-5M+ quickly. The program is that phenomenal."

George Childers

"Recession Marketing has everything you need. Josh has overdelivered, like he does, with this program. The value isn’t even a question. Take the step of faith, invest in the program, and you’ll be glad you did."

Garr Russell

"If I applied everything, I could easily add a couple hundred thousand to our business. I would not exchange $10k for the info I was able to get out of Recession Marketing."

Edwina Adams

"This Recession Marketing package helps you level up. Within the first couple sessions, my brain was spinning. It’s a great investment. Do yourself a favor and buy you. You will not regret it. I guarantee it."

Michael Hinkamper

"Josh is the one of the best marketing minds I have ever met. He is an artist when it comes to making money. I love watching him work and I love it more when he works on my stuff, haha. His teachings are simple and implementable but somehow are also profound."

Brandon Vaugn

"He’s not just one of those theoretical guys. One of the things I love about Josh is that he’s eloquent but he’s not just talking from a place of theory, he is speaking from experience, from the heart and he is very passionate. Josh knows a lot about life, not just business, he comes from a place of wisdom and understanding."

Curt Kempton

"Joshua Latimer has changed my entire perspective on my business. Every single thing he says is exactly what I need to hear at exactly the right time. Josh is absolutely phenomenal."

Keith Kalfas

Here’s what you’ll get for free when you join the WarPlan Coaching Community today:

  • 5-Day Close The Gap Challenge

  • The new F.R.A.P. Formula Training

  • Decentralized Coaching Secrets Video Training Series

  • Weekly training material designed to make you more take home profit

  • Weekly newsletter with cutting edge profit producing tips

  • And a WARM community discussion about marketing, mindset and money

HQ: 5101 E University Dr Ste 200

Denton, TX 76208


HQ: 5101 E University Dr Ste 200

Denton, TX 76208
